Care to Educate’s Independent Social Workers have extensive experience of working effectively with clients and their families.

Our Independent Social Workers work on behalf of clients with a plethora of complex needs.  We are commissioned by Solicitors and the Court of Protection acting on behalf of clients.  We offer bespoke services for each client, which are developed based upon their identified needs to ensure that they receive the appropriate support which enables them to achieve their full potential.

Our Independent Social Workers can support with:

  • Initial Assessments in line with the Rehabilitation Code,
  • Providing support, advice and advocacy for the client and their family,
  • Navigating the statutory sector services,
  • Establishing and maintaining therapy teams,
  • Ensuring Education, Employment and Training opportunities are appropriate for the client,
  • Care sourcing and management to secure and sustain the best support packages,
  • Collaborative working within a multi professional team,
  • Commissioning architects and therapists for building projects and housing adaptations,
  • Sourcing specialist equipment, and
  • Advising on and organising leisure activities and holidays.

Here to help

If you require advice and support from an Independent Social Worker regarding any of our services we would like to hear from you.  Alternatively, if we have not mentioned a service you require assistance with please ask us as we may be able to help.

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